Gang Gang, and Happy Caturday from the Gutter!
More Gutter Cat Gang heat coming off the streets and on the screen today!
As The Gutter Cat Times reported recently, the Gutter's Kingpindao X AtriumNFT are collaborating to create an animated short series building off of the September, 2022 @GTVPrimetime clip that showed Gutter dogs Spot and Bishop in Gutter City dining at McGutters. That first Gutter short has been viewed over 17k times.

Today @AtriumNFT tweeted, "This weeks Caturday update for @kingpindao
has a bit of a boring twist. Fez will be the second character in the upcoming animated short! The vision that @GTVPrimetime has for content in the space is one that brings communities together to produce great relatable content."
Fez is based on Bored Ape #4918 owned by TurhanTroyCaylak (@TroyCaylak). The ape has a fez and leather punk jacket.
TurhanTroyCaylak replied to Atrium's tweet: "my beautiful phucken Turkish inspired @BoredApeYC is ganggangin it up for an exciting 3rd animation with an unlikely @guttercatgang character: bing bong we doin this strong."

Fez joins Gutter Cat character Blaze Johnson, introduced last Caturday. Atrium tweeted that they "will be back next week with another progress update."

Gang and Ape community members
took to Twitter to express their excitement at the collaboration between these two communities, responding with: "Sheeeessh" and "LFG," and emojis of a cat and ape and a handshake.

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to bring you the details on this Boring - Gutter animated collaboration with Atrium. Follow @guttercattimes on Twitter for updates.