Gang Gang, and here's the latest news from the Gutter!
On Caturday, 1/21, @AtriumNft, a blockchain-backed creative studio and artist platform, took to Twitter to announce that the GCG @kingpindao "has a vision for
@GTVPrimetime that benefits everyone, and we are thrilled to participate in bringing it to life."
The KingpinDAO is a collective of the largest holders of the @GutterCatGang focused on driving value to the GCG community and the KPD. The KPD "had the opportunity to submit ideas..." which has "kicked off the production process," according to Atrium's Twitter thread.
Atrium's thread also explains that, "there will be more chances for the community to submit ideas and define details as the animation process continues." Atrium indicates that they will start "sharing some concept art" with the Gutter Cat Gang community as it begins coming in.
As many GCG community members remember, in September 2022, @GTVPrimetime put out a rad animated 2 min and 18 second clip that showed Gutter dogs in Gutter City dining at McGutters.
The clip (see linked Tweet) has over 17k views as of this writing, and ends with ominous music and a focus on a poster with a masked, fat rat that says, "Beware the Gutter Guzzler."
The @guttercattimes will follow this story, especially with Atrium's "more next Caturday?" cliffhanger.
Gang Gang! Stay tuned.