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GUTTER BOOK BONUS: Claim 25k Gutter Chips If You Bought A Copy Of "The Last Lab Rat!" Find Out How To Claim:


Grab your copy of this Gutter Cat Gang book to score 25k Gutter Chips!

GCG's team is hooking up the Gutter community with a chance to add to their pile of Gutter Grab chips just for snagging "The Last Lab Rat," by Gutter author, G.W. (@GWtheLabRat)!

"If you grabbed a print copy of The Last Lab Rat, be sure to send your receipt to to claim your 25k gutter chips. If you haven't, now is your time! $gang supports $gang," G.W. tweeted yesterday.

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to G.W. to find out more about his "book bonus" and how it came about.

G.W. said, "I originally spoke with Ceres (@gutterhoodlum) prior to the book release and he was very receptive. He put together the original Discord announcement of the book release and passed the information over to Yugen."

He told the GCT that his first idea was to give out the chips he'd acquired but the team said that they couldn't transfer chips.

"Yugen advised me that they would do something, but needed to get through the clone burn and then the seed phase. They came up with the 25k chips and we worked together to figure out a way to verify the purchases!," G.W. explained.

G.W. is stoked for the chance to crank up the chip count for his Gutter homies, so if you bought a book or grab one now, be sure to send your receipt to!

Stay tuned for "casting calls" over the next two weeks as he works on Book #2 in the series!

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow G.W and his book series and bring you the latest news and updates. Follow along @guttercattimes on X for all things Gutter, all the time.



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