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GUTTER COLLAB: GCG's Beanie Gang Drops Dope Quirkies x Voodoo Salad Art! Find Out How To Get Your Free, Limited Edition Here:


Gutter's Beanie Gang (@BeanieGangg) is keeping their creative foot on the gas, pumping out a rad collab across projects!

Gutter Cat Gang member and artist Voodoo Salad, who has created prior illustrations for the Gang, designed this latest piece with a beanie-wearing Quirkie NFT owned by Gutter's Integ (@integ03).

"Exclusive Drop from La Commissione," Beanie Gang tweeted recently.

"@Quirkiesnft x @VoodooSalad. Powered by @beaniegangg. Quirkie owned by @integ03.

 Mint +  (limited edition/ 50 pieces) Like + Share + Follow @La_Commissione

 Link to Mint in comments."

La Commissione is the Beanie Gang's art platform, which offers exclusive art drops, like one in December from renowned artist Pop Wonder.

Only 50 pieces exists, so head over to the Manifold link here:, and pick up your free, limited edition "Sunnyside Skate Escape," piece by Voodoo Salad!

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow Gutter's creators and builders, and bring you updates on the Beanie Gang and La Commissione.

Follow us @guttercattimes for all things Gutter, all the time.



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