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Gutter Games: The Gang That Plays Together, Stays Together


Gang Gang! Word on the streets is there's something going on in the Gutter that involves playing old-school arcade games. Let's piece together what we know so far:

Members of the Gutter Cat Gang's Puffer Gang recently tweeted cryptic messages and a #GutterGames roadmap.

On 1/26, MagnumAPI (@amazzara), tweeted, "Community First and PufferGang are excited to unveil the #Guttergames Roadmap. From Gutter Arcades to Exclusive Rewards and a secret surprise, we're bringing your favorite games and more to life."

Then, on 1/27, @r0seNY shared:

"Yesterday we gave you the roadmap. Today we give you a little more info. Tomorrow...maybe something else.

For community, by community.

PufferGang x Community First"

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to MagnumAPI to get the scoop on #GutterGames and what the Gang can expect.

He said that the idea for the games emerged from the Puffer Gang chat: "We brainstormed new and exciting ways for the Gutter community to expand, create value, and have fun."

The Puffer Gang launched a collective - Community First - to "allow Gutter Cat Gang holders to participate in and experience these games while accumulating rewards." They want to create the "sense of nostalgia that Gutter art evokes," and are building "an arcade gaming platform that focuses on fostering a sense of community and interaction." Plus, they're designing a token-reward system to spark participation and "generate long-term equity value for GCG holders/players and other friendly communities."

MagnumAPI joined the GCG in December 2021, and initially bought Gutter Rat #1923, which he owns to this day. He said that the GCG art "captures street culture's raw energy and creativity...and the emphasis on community and social interaction aligns with my values."

He's looking forward to seeing how the Gutter Cat Gang's recent announcement and actions "benefit the community." And, he believes that the GCG can be a "significant player in the world of street games and underground competitions by leveraging brand technology

and partnerships to create innovative and engaging experiences."

Gutter Mitch is stoked on #GutterGames, tweeting, "The most amazing part of web3 is watching community creators build upon their IP. Decentralized brand building at its finest. Gang Gang!"

The @guttercattimes will continue to cover #GutterGames as it drops. Stay tuned, GCG! There's dope stuff happening in the Gutter!

Gang Gang!



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