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Gutter Gear: GCG Confirms Team Gutter Cats Uniform For The Basketball Tournament!


The ballers from the Gutter are gonna be stylin' when they hit the courts for ESPNs, The Basketball Tournament (TBT)!

Earlier today, the Gutter Cat Gang confirmed that the teaser originally dropped on June 12th as GutterMelo wallpaper for phones, Twitter banners, and desktops, is the team's official uniform for TBT, which kicks off on 7/19.

"Heat check," the GCG tweeted. "It's true, this is the Team Gutter Cats fit for @thetournament 2023."

As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, TBT is a competition made up of top professional, college alumni, and international basketball players competing in a single-elimination 5-on-5 tournament for a winner-take-all $1 Million prize. This will be its 10th Anniversary year.

After seeing the earlier June 12th GutterMelo background, GutterANT.ETH (@GUTTERxANT) asked, "Is this the new jersey designs for TBT next month as well?"

The Gutter Cat Gang responded with a pondering or thinking emoji.

After the Gutter Cat Gang's announcement confirming the team's uniform, the community hit the TL to show how stoked they are!

GutterANT.ETH said, "I called it," and Gutter BTC (@GutterBTC) said, "Gutter Cat are gonna be looking fire on the court! Gang Gang."

The Gutter Cat Times will bring you more information about the Gutter Cats team and The Basketball Tournament!

Follow us @guttercattimes for all things Gutter, all the time.



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