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Gutter Gold: MagnumAPI Grabs Gang Gang Grails


Gang Gang from the Gutter!

Exciting sales of Gutter Cat grails in the Gutter Cat Gang today!

Earlier this morning, MagnumAPI (@amazzara1) tweeted, "Self-explanatory tweet @GutterCatGang."

His tweet displayed OG Cat #2860, which he purchased today for 13 ETH, or the equivalent of $23,027.94, according to Etherscan.

The Cat is a 7-trait, with Gold Tats Fur, Laser BTC Eyes, Stubble, Gold Cross Earring, Toothpick, Gold Chains Necklace, and a Blue Background.

In true Gutter style, MagnumAPI didn't stop there. He scooped up Gutter Cat #1499 for 2.5 ETH (or $4,429.90) shortly after buying that golden grail.

Gutter Cat #1499 is a 5-trait, with Brown Fur, Laser BTC Eyes, Crown, Farmer Shirt, and a Yellow Background; Magnum bought both Cats from Sonyblack.

Gang were stoked for MagnumAPI on the grail pick-ups, with Mach1ne.eth (@IAmMach1ne) responding, "Well fuck me running. Congrats, GG."

Grant Flannery (@grantpat) tweeted, "Gutter is dead. @amazzara1 says I don't think so. Some grails picked up here. And I love that Sony instantly went and bought dogs. LFG!!"

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to MagnumAPI, who said, "Gutter Cat Gang has built a passionate and dedicated community with a strong brand and identity...Investing in the grails of Gutter Cat Gang is supporting a project and investing in the community's potential and the value it can create for all members..."

MagnumAPI has been in the GCG since December, 2021, and enjoys the art "because it captures street culture's raw energy and creativity." Buying these grails, he believes, can draw more talented people to the community to support its growth and success. Plus, he also just really loves the gold tats Cat, in particular!

Congrats on the grail scoops, Gang, and for your commitment to the Gutter Cat Gang as a creator and contributor! Gang Gang!

Follow @guttercattimes on Twitter for more scoops, community spotlights, and all things Gutter.



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