While Gutter has had its share of bumps in the road, this GCG member is shining a light on a new beginning with his latest artwork!
Gutter Cat Gang's M0NK™ (@trappistm0nk), well known for creating VR filters for the Gang, recently created a 3D animation that he said, "symbolizes the new beginning chapter and the new team."
"GM/GN SUNRISE TO SUNSET available https://app.manifold.xyz/c/sunrise-to-sunset… "Sunrise paints the sky with hues so bright, Awakening the world from restful night." #nft#NFTCommunity#NFTartist," he tweeted earlier, and linking to Manifold where Gutter can purchase his piece for 0.01 ETH.
The Gutter Cat Times reached out to M0NK™ to find out more about this piece and what's next for the minters.
He said, "'Sunrise to Sunset' is an initial 3D animation that gives access to the next animations that I will make, like a gated token collection. Not all of them will be GCG related."
"For this one," M0NK™ explained, "the inspiration was quite simple. The idea was to transcribe what I like about the Gutter Cat Gang, a project that I have been following and that I joined in 2021."
Check out the pic below, showing the head of Mayor Noah's PFP, Cat #2711, a 6-Trait feline with Black Tats Fur, White Eyes, Diamond Hoop Earring, Makaveli Bandana, Necklace, and While Background.

M0NK™ said that he wants the videos to loop so that they can be played on continuous displays.
He added, "This is the PFP project that I love the most, despite tribulations. The title is a reference to the degens routine on Twitter of saying GM/GN everyday."
Gang can pick up "Sunrise to Sunset" on Manifold for 0.01 ETH at this link: https://app.manifold.xyz/c/sunrise-to-sunset.
The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow Gutter's artists and creators, and bring you news on all things Gutter all the time. Follow us @guttercatimes on X for more Gang Gang and community news.