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New Cat, Who Dat?: GCG Owner Yugen Shows Off Latest Gutter Pick Up! Find Out More:


Nothing says Friday night like a little Gutter shopping!

Gutter Cat Gang owner Yugen (@YugenLBS) added a fierce feline to his collection today, scooping #1085, a 5-Trait Cat with Leopard Fur, Squinted Yellow Eyes, Gold Cross Earring, Thick Silver Necklace, and White Background.

"$GANG," he tweeted, showing off his new addition:

According to data from OpenSea, this rad gato is now owned by Gutter Cat Labs, described as "Registered in the Cayman Islands as an Limited By Shares Company."

The Gutter Cat Gang community showed up to congratulate Yugen on the pick up: Tacocat tweeted, "Dope cat," and SHADY added, "Beauty! Gang Gang!!!"

Check out Yugen's Leopard Cat below:

Congrats on the new addition!

The Gutter Cat Times will follow this story and bring you the latest on all things Gutter.

Follow along @guttercattimes on X for more Gang Gang news.



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