The Gutter is getting fired up in anticipation of burning Clones and Juices next weekend!
Today, the Gutter Cat Gang dropped a video detailing the mechanics of the upcoming burn, which will launch on April 28th! As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, on April 11th, Yugen (@YugenLBS) tweeted, "Almost time to Burn Clones for Gutter Chips."
That time is coming soon! "Burn Clones For Gutter Chips $GANG. Partnered with @GutterToken. Burn begins 8PM BST, 28th April 2024," the GCG account tweeted.
The ski mask stayed on as Yugen kicked off his 2 min and 12 second video, introducing, "Operation Reduce Supply," which will launch on April 28th at 8PM BST (3PM EST).
Yugen said: "Gutter Grab will be open to 50k users. During this season, we'll be focused on reducing the overall supply of Gutter Juices, Clones, and rewarding OG holders with multipliers."
Yugen explained that they've tracked over 3 million posts on X related to the Gutter Token, $GANG, and said that his team opened Gutter Grab for short periods of time as part of their step-by-step acquisition strategy, which includes:
Step 1: Revitalize Gutter
Step 2: Full Attention
Step 3: Reduce Supply
He said, "Now that we've got your full attention, it's time to reduce that motherfuckin' supply!"
"You'll be able to burn Clones or Juices in batches of 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, or 100, directly on," Yugen explained.
3 Juices or Clones Burned = 24,750k Gutter Chips
5 Juices or Clones Burned = 47,500k Gutter Chips
10 Juices or Clones Burned = 110k Gutter Chips
50 Juices or Clones Burned = 650k Gutter Chips
(and so on, Yugen said.)
After describing the burn mechanics, Yugen said, "If you like the art of your Clone, keep it. If you want to keep trilogies intact, keep them intact. Outside of Gutter Grab, we don't have any further plans for Clones or Juices."
Yugen added that in his team's opinion, the Clones and Juices shouldn't have existed in the first place.
He stated, "Don't speculate. Just burn those fuckers."
While many GCG members seem excited to burn Clones and Juices, others expressed reluctance to see their Clones incinerated.
Mac Dreidel tweeted, "Not burning him," and shared a picture of his Clone below. Yugen replied, "Keep it as Art."
Yugen also tweeted, "Some of the clone art is cool AF. But for an NFT collection to thrive it can’t have an extra 20,000 mouths to feed. This burn is an opportunity to extract some benefit from burning them, before they transition to a pure ‘art only’ collection to manage future expectations."
Additional questions emerged about the upcoming burn, with Titch.eth asking, "What if we have clones across multiple wallets. How can we sync the gutter grab account?" Yugen responded. "Put them into one wallet if possible."
Danno asked, "Will rarity factor into allocation?" and Yugen replied, "No."
Aussienft asked, "ok. so when burn period is over, what's left will they still be on chain as art only, or just as jpegs with us at home?" and Yugen explained, "On chain art only."
Get ready for the burn to kick off on April 28th, 3PM ET / 8 PM BST!
The Gutter Cat Times will bring you updates and insights on all things Clone and Juice burn related!
Follow along @guttercattimes on X for all the Gang Gang news from the Gutter!