The Gutter Cat Gang is feeling the heat today, as Gutter Clones & Juices headed to the incinerator!
Since the Clone burn was first announced on April 11th, the community has been awaiting this day to line their pockets with Gutter chips in exchange for their D1 & D2 Clones and Juices.
Today, the GCG tweeted, "Operation: Reduce Supply. Burn Clones and Juices for Gutter Chips. Partnered with @GutterToken $GANG Go to:"
The Gutter community pounced on the opportunity to earn Gutter chips, with Gang posting their Clone burn status on the TL:
Andre Decolife tweeted, "Done! I printed the jpegs for the Art and burnt the NFTs for the utility." Yugen responded, "Burnnnnnn."
DOGGTOR said, "From #1 Trilogy @GutterCatGang Holder to absolutely Zero trilogies. Just completed the process of burning all my clones. A total of 140 clones with 62 of them D2's. $gang $gang Burn them all! @GutterToken @YugenLBS."
And, Tacocat wrote, "Burned 15 clones / 10 juices and now i'm platinum baby Kept one trilogy intact and saved my fav D2 doggo $Gang $Gang."
As of 9:33PM ET, according to a tweet by Hawley, over 1,000 Clones have been burned, representing just over 5% of the supply. Check out the tweet below:
The burn window will be open for 30 days, and Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow the Clone & Juice burn and bring you more insights from the streets of the Gutter.
Follow us @guttercattimes on X for all things Gang, all the time.