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ROCK THE SPOTS: Gutter Owner Yugen Changes PFP To OG Leopard Cat! Find Out More:


Gutter Cat Gang's owner Yugen is showing off his new PFP, a Leopard Gutter gato!

As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, on Friday 5/24, Yugen scooped up fierce feline #1085, a 5-Trait Cat with Leopard Fur, Squinted Yellow Eyes, Gold Cross Earring, Thick Silver Necklace, and White Background.

On Sunday, May 26th, Yugen broke out the Cat, changing his PFP and tweeting, "$GANG #NewProfilePic ONLY 3,000 CATS!"

The Gutter community showed up to celebrate the new PFP: Carl BTC tweeted, "That leopard on white BG looks good on you," and Bullish wrote, "Only 2999, because you're never selling."

Manny said, "Awesome Cat," and 0tis added, "Former Otis cat. One of the best. Legend."

According to data from OpenSea, this rad Cat is now owned by Gutter Cat Labs, described as "Registered in the Cayman Islands as an Limited By Shares Company."

Congrats on the new PFP, Gang!

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to bring you the latest from the streets of the Gutter.

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1 Comment

Juan Camilo
Juan Camilo
May 28, 2024

Gutter Cat Times are the Best Times!

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