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"The World Is Yours": GCG Drops Interactive Gutter City Map


Gang Gang from the Gutter!

Get ready to explore the streetz of Gutter City!

Today the Gutter Cat Gang dropped an epic update, tweeting: "Introducing the Gutter City map, a constantly evolving interactive display of what’s happening in the Gutter. Explore:"

The team added: "Whose world is it? The world is yours."

The Gutter City map has a day-to-night dynamic system that alters the appearance of locations, depending on the time of day.

The two pictures below show a daytime v. nighttime view of Gutter City.

The Gutter Cat Gang also said, "Expect the Gutter City map to grow over time alongside the brand, community and web3 space at large. See you in the Gutter!"

The map illustrates the GCG ecosystem, activations, events, and Clubs. Clicking on locations shows details of past and present state activations, and hints at future ones.

There are currently 22 pinned location points on the map, including all Gutter Clubs, plus others; a few include:

  • Gutter IRL: highlighting community meet ups like GutterCon and Gutter x Dallas

  • Gutter Golf: spotlighting Gutter Golf outings in Miami and Top Golf at GutterCon

  • Museum of Gutter Art: showcasing fine pieces of art and community art

  • Gutter City Toy Shop: housing dope toys and collectibles; here, the map pop-out asks, "What could the next physical collectible drop be?"

  • Gutter IP: the map pop-out hints, "Opportunities for IP licensing coming to the Gutter Collectors Hub in the near future."

The map also has areas that hold hidden Gutter secrets.

The screenshot below shows the Gutter Intelligence Agency, with red, neon "Missions" across the building. Nearby is a scrawled "In progress, BRB" sign. In the dynamic map, when moving the cursor over this sign, it reads: "redacted."

Over at Gutter Labs, a question pops up: "What secrets lie beneath the surface of Gutter Labs?"

No doubt this dynamic, interactive map gives the Gang a lot to chew on!

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to cover this story, the community's speculation, and follow all activations. One thing is for sure: the Gutter Labs team is building, and the community is building with them.

Stay tuned as we discover more about the Gutter City Map and uncover Easter eggs. Gang Gang!

Follow @guttercattimes on Twitter for all Gutter, all the time.



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