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UP IN SMOKE: Gutter Grab Burn Now Open To Incinerate One Or Two Clones & Juices! Find Out More Here:


Make yours a dirty double. Or a swinging single. Gutter Grab will take 'em all!

Though the burn launched with opportunities to scorch 3 or more Clones or Juices, holders can now feed one or two assets into the fire to earn Gutter Chips.

"Did you know, @GutterCatGang, We can now burn singles or doubles!!  

1 Clone/Juice = 7500  2 Clones/Juices = 15700 Let 'em burn!

@YugenLBS x @GutterToken $GANG," Hawley tweeted yesterday.

As the Gutter Cat Times previously reported, the burn was first announced on April 11th, and kicked off on April 28th. There are 17 days left to singe these GCG assets.

As of two days ago, approximately 13% of Clones and Juices have been incinerated!

Yugen (@YugenLBS) had foreshadowed the change to Gutter Grab on May 6th in the Gutter Cat Gang Discord, writing that his team would be "deploying some small Gutter Grab updates in the next 48 hours."

Head over to to light your fire and torch those singles and doubles! Gang Gang!

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to bring you news from the streets on all things Gutter, all the time. Follow us @guttercattimes on X for all things Gutter, all the time.



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