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"WE'RE GONNA HUSTLE AND GET SHIT DONE": Gutter City Assembly Recap Of January 3rd Spaces!


The Gutter Cat Gang is pouncing into action in 2024!

Last night, 1/3, Mayor Noah (@mauloadream) held the first Gutter City Assembly of the new year. Key highlights include:

  • updates on the team and continuing to build trust with the community

  • GCG's plans to "Clean up the Gutter" and leverage Gutter's platform to expand reach

  • insights on recent Clone machine tweets, and

  • open conversation with the community

The full recording is linked here, and below is a high level summary of the conversation, including scintillating references to "nipple covers" as potential overlays for Gutter assets (definitely listen to the recording!).

Team & Building Trust:

  • Mayor Noah explained that people want to see results from the Gutter Cat Gang team and brand, and they're continuing to building trust: "We have to execute. I can tell you what you'll get with the Gutter: a team that's taking action, that really cares, and knows the brand."

  • Noah said, "I don't have pride or ego, I just want to win. We're gonna hustle, listen, and take shots by narrowing our focus and getting shit done."

  • Noah said, the small team has to be creative and work directly on things for the community: "Cleaning things up doesn't happen over night. We're building a business and brand, and this team is here to support you."

  • Karmelo (@notkarmelo), a new addition to the GCG team, explained that he wouldn't support just anyone, but the "Gutter community is the strongest group of people ever."

  • Karmelo emphasized that the new team is not the old team, and this team is working through what was left by the prior team in order to lay a strong foundation.

  • He also indicated that communications are the team's responsibility, and he's working to bring a "Gutter feel" to Discord and will also work with Club Directors.

Cleaning Up The Gutter & Leveraging Gutter's Platform:

  • Mayor Noah indicated that the prior team had multiple streams of work and ideas that had been in development, but this team is narrowing their focus: "We had to get focused on a single project. The brand can't move forward unless we do this."

  • Noah said a launch date for 'the solution', which has been hinted at via tweets, is approaching, and will be Phase 1 of a longer initiative.

  • Noah pointed to smaller ways that GCG is delivering: "We created GM mugs and overlays, suggested by community members. We're making it easier to play with your IP and hit the TL."

  • Noah indicated that the Gutter community will see more overlays: "People love the art and brand, and we want to deliver for the community. We want to give tools for people to do things with."

  • He emphasized, "Gutter's platform is massive. We're taking steps to make sure we're doing a better job on the massive platform that's been built."

  • Noah said the GCG is working to build more with a traditional audience: "We have to be smart and do things that don't have a direct ROI (return on investment) because it's right for the community and brand."

  • Karmelo added, "Gutter's IP possibilities are mind-blowing. Once the brand lifts off again, it will be huge."

  • Noah said, "We're cleaning the Gutter and giving purpose to assets."

  • Noah added that the team is creating clarity about the Gutter ecosystem to help explain the different assets, collecting status, discord channels, and clubs.

Clone Machine:

  • Karmelo stated, "D1s will be needed when the solution launches. Juices and D2s will have utility at a later date."

  • Noah said, "It sounds like there's a burn mechanic in place, and there will be more than 1 option for Gutter Juices."

  • Noah explained, "We want to create a utility for an NFT to have demand."

  • He indicated that if community members want to Clone assets, now's the time, but suggests there will still be access to Clones in the long run: "There's 13k of these, so you'll will likely still have access."

  • Noah said, "I think this will be fun as hell and set us up to do things with partners, delivering for creators, artists, musicians. We've thought about use cases."

  • "Traits might be interesting in the future," Noah mentioned.

  • Karmelo emphasized that it's important to set expectations for holders.

  • Noah said, "If you don't make a Clone and later on you're like, 'I really wanted to make a clone with these traits,' I think you're going to have a way to do that. I wouldn't worry about the clone machine shutting down."

Open Conversation With Community:

  • Notorious Meg (@NotoriousMEG) said, "Gutter Assembly is a special place to come together and shout out the Gang." She appreciated so many in the community who contributed to a GoFundMe, retweeted, and reached out to support her battle with ovarian cancer.

  • She added, "As a longtime Gutter member, I'm grateful, and I'm continuing to fight."

  • KAO (@TakeAGambolSir) said he knows it takes time for a business to get it's legs underneath them, and is stoked for additional information.

  • Karmelo added, "I'd like to address that dickdangerous.eth (@dickdangerous82) is in the Boardroom is requesting is requesting nipple layovers on naked Cats. I have denied your request. GFY, it will not be happening."

  • Noah asked, "What other overlays should we be creating? Nothing's off the table." Karmelo pointed to T-shirts and Notorious Meg said she's interested in hair bows for Rats.

  • EE (@epiceth) put out a plea not to burn traits he likes, "No Mambas, no MJs, those are my favorites." Also, he wants help to normalize 'Gutter morning.' "No more GMs, G stands for Gutter."

  • Noah explained, "We want Gutter to be a community project. New Gutter is being out there with the community and putting ideas into action."

  • As the Gutter Assembly closed, Mayor Noah said, "I'm so grateful to community members that have stepped up. Fuck my pride. I'm trying to bring this back. I want people who are interested in helping. Let's take some shots."

  • He added, "People want to see Gutter art. Let's dominate this shit. DMs are open. hit us up, let us know how you're feeling, and what you want to see!"

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to bring you updates from Gutter City Assemblies and news from the streets of the Gutter.

Follow along @guttercatimes on X for all things Gutter, all the time.



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