Gang Gang from the Gutter!
We're getting closer to 4/20, a ganja focused holiday, and one GCG member is calling on the Gang to join this smoke sesh & storytelling event!
PeteThe.Eth (@PeteTheEth) tweeted yesterday, "Unofficial but Official 420 Meet Up Event for @GutterCatGang members in Chicago April 20th! DM for details. Private Film Set Warehouse."
PeteTheEth reps Gutter Dog #362, a 6-trait, with Silver Fur, Dreads, Jobs Shirt, Thin Silver Necklace, Cat Scratch Eye, and Yellow Background. He's been in the Gang since the fall of 2021, and said: "I vibe with the community and enjoy the networking and sense of friendship that the gang offers."
That friendship is on full display in the Gutter Cat image that PeteTheEth is using to promote the event. He tweeted to the Gang that he was looking for a "smoking or hippie" Cat and tacocat.gcg.eth stepped up. PeteTheEth wrote, "Shout out to @hbarbacoatacos for letting me use his Cat for this amazing networking event I'm putting together for 420."

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to PeteTheEth for details: the event, called the Chronic Chronicles, celebrates "personal anecdotes and experiences related to cannabis," and attendees will smoke, network, and have the opportunity to share 5-min weed-focused stories. Stories can be funny, moving, enlightening, entertaining, or bonkers, and we bet the Gang has some kick-ass stories to share!
PeteTheEth shared this link with more info and would love to see Gang join in the fun; entry for all Gang is free: In true web3 style, they'll also have a Ticket Mint opportunity, to highlight "proof of moment" for attending the experience.

As a cannabis advocate, PeteTheEth produced a TV show on Amazon Prime called, "Wake & Bake with Dom Brown," and his wife runs a cannabis dispensary. He said, "Putting together an event for other Gutter members was easy for me." He's trying to promote cannabis in the same way wine has been elevated in the culture: "where people can meet over a joint like they do for a drink."
Gang are hyped for the event, with ben.gcg.eth tweeting, "You're gunna get me to fly out to Chicago aren't you..."

Gang can reach out to PeteTheEth via DMs for more information and get your Gutter ganja game on in Chi-town on 4/20! Gang Gang!
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